Meet the Cast of The Sweet Delilah Swim Club: Leslie Price
Meet the Cast of The Sweet Delilah Swim Club: Jana Hoffman
Get to Know the Cast of Uh-Oh Here Comes Christmas
Meet the Cast of Night of January 16th: Thomas Robinson
Thomas Robinson may seem mild-mannered but he has another side. As a private detective, he sees things and reports them to his client. What did he see on the Night of January 16th? Reserve your tickets now to find out.
Meet the Cast of Night of January 16th: Meredith Carpenter
Meredith Carpenter is an attorney in Shelby County. Being in court is no mystery to her. As the medical examiner, she is called to the scene to examine the body of Bjorn Faulkner. Should she have done a more thorough job? You be the judge.
Meet the Cast of Night of January 16th: Madelyn Harbison
Madelyn Harbison is an R.N. at Callahan Eye Hospital by day. This is her first role as a police detective. Known for her comedic roles, how does she handle being first on the scene to discover the grizzly remains on the pavement? Does she have compassion for Karen Andre, Faulkner’s longtime mistress?
Meet the Cast of Night of January 16th: Bill Nixon
Bill Nixon, a native Floridian, was born to play an attorney! Before retirement, he was a medicinal chemistry professor, but he missed his calling. Maybe all those years in the classroom prepared him for a legal career. With many years of performance under his belt, South City is thrilled to have him as a regular on our stage. Will his client, Karen Andre, be set free or will she spend the rest of her life in prison?
Meet the Cast of Night of January 16th: Katie Hamff
Katie Hamff is a newcomer to South City. While she may enjoy cooking and cuddling with her new kitten, onstage, she is a Southern vixen. Is she complicit in the death of her husband? This question will be answered if you come see the show.
Meet the Cast from Night of January 16th: Jon Curren
Jon Curren is an R.N. at UAB Hospital by day. This is Jon’s second show at SCT. Come and see Jon’s “other side” as he plays a dastardly bank president in the “Night of January 16th.”