Current Attraction: Collected Stories

South City Theatre, Pelham will stage 4 public performances of their 60 minute festival cutting—COLLECTED STORIES—on April 22, 23, and 24 at 7:30 pm and April 25 at 2 pm in our theatre, 2969 Pelham Parkway, Suite J, Pelham Alabama.  Seating is limited to 18 persons per performance to maintain social distancing. Tickets at $16 General Admission and $13 for Seniors over 60 or Students under 18 are available online at:  No reservations will be accepted because of the limited seating.  

Directed by Pat Yates and featuring award-winning actresses, Sue Ellen Gerrells and Ashley Richardson,  COLLECTED STORIES is South City’s entry in this year’s American Association of Community Theatre’s national festival: AACTFest 2021. Twelve productions will be selected from a field of 39 to be filmed and presented at this year’s virtual festival.  Local audiences will be treated to live performances of South City Theatre’s entry, marking the first live performance at the Pelham theatre in over a year!

Stories looks at how time, truth, and art change people and their interactions—not just with each other, but also with themselves.

South City Elects New Officers

President Dianne Rowe stepped down from her duties this month but was elected to stay on the board. Dianne has made a major contribution to the theatre since its early days, and we are thankful for her service in the past and her future contributions.

Lisa Ponder has been elected President.

Rachael Pike Upton has been elected Vice President

Sue Ellen Gerrells has been elected to the board.

Current Attraction: Santa’s Workshop Got Talent

South City Theatre presents a virtual Christmas Delight on Friday, December 18 @ 7:20 p.m. and Saturday, December 19 @ 1:50 p.m. To access the link for this production, which uses the Zoom platform, send an email with your preferred date to

We will reply with link for the performance a way you can include a donation for your tickets.

It’s just days before Christmas at Santa’s Workshop and a big blizzard has snowed everybody in!  But there’s still work to be done — like getting the elves and reindeer in the proper holiday spirit with song, dance, and big belly laughs.  So, elf hosts Holly Daze and Mistletoe Merryman decide the North Pole’s annual talent show must go on…  line!

Mrs. Claus, the pun-loving Ruby the Red-Lipped Reindeer, and Old St. Nick himself join the hosts online to help judge this reality TV spoof.  Bitterly cold Jack Frost and Snow Queen hack their way into the contest, but even they can’t take the warmth and good spirit out of this friendly competition! 

Directed by Emily Hoppe.

2020-21 Magical Mystery Tour Planned

There’s an old saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade,” and that’s just what we are doing for our 20th Anniversary season! In these challenging times, South City is adding a bit of spice to the mix by rolling out an entire season of super-secret productions. Our formerly announced season now moves to 2021-22 when we can be back in our own space again. Until then, we will announce dates/times/auditions and production titles two months before performance dates. We’ll be staging small cast shows, in various locations, throughout the season, and we’re thrilled to be moving around the area to bring you the best theatrical experiences we can! Announcements will be posted here, on our South City Facebook page, and in our MailChimp newsletters, so stay tuned. The best is yet to come!

The Gulf Sweeps SETC Competition

South City Theatre, Pelham earned multiple awards at the prestigious 2020 Southeastern Theatre Conference (SETC) Community Festival in Louisville, Kentucky, Feb. 29 including Best in Show for “The Gulf” by Alabama playwright Audrey Cefaly. Additional awards included Outstanding Director (Lisa Ponder), Outstanding Acting (Autumn LaShay Brown and Rachael Pike) and Outstanding Scene Design (Mike Gerrells).  The other Best in Show award went to another Alabama theatre, Spark Theatre Company in Dothan.  SCT Artistic Director Sue Ellen Gerrells noted that this was an historic win for Alabama with both top awards going to the same state.

According to the, “SETC is the strongest and broadest network of theatre practitioners in the United States…providing extensive resources and year-round opportunities for our constituents. Our services, publications, and products contribute significantly to the careers of emerging artists, seasoned professionals and academicians. SETC energizes the practical, intellectual and creative profile of theatre in America.”

SETC sponsors a community theatre festival during their annual convention. The Southeast region’s top community theaters gather for multiple days of performances, critiques and social events during the annual SETC Convention. Every other year, two SETC winners advance to compete at the American Association of Community Theatre’s national festival (the next AACTFest year is 2021). This year nine productions competed from Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee and Alabama.

2019-20 South City Season–a year of laughter and tears!

(All titles are dependent on publisher granting rights.)

 THE MURDER ROOM by Jack Sharkey–October 4-13. Directed by Daniel Strickland. A spoof of all crime thrillers!

YES, VIRGINIA, THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS by Andrew J. Fenady–December 13-22. Directed by Donna Williamson. A treat for young and old.

THE ODD COUPLE (Female Version) by Neil Simon. January 31-February 9. Directed by Rachael Pike. One of Simon’s favorites–with a twist!

THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK. April 17-21. Directed by Lisa Ponder.  A poignant classic.

CRIMES OF THE HEART by Beth Henley. June 5-14. Directed by JJ Marrs.  Warm-hearted and zany!

COVERING DISH by Birmingham’s own David Garrett. July 31-August 9. Directed by Donna Williamson. A true Southern comedy by a local playwright!

Announcing Our 2018-19 Season!

Something old–something new–nothing borrowed — and NOTHING blue,  South City is serving up a marriage of theatrical treats from the past and the present in 2018-19!

Tickets are $16 general admission/$13 for students under 18 and seniors over 60.

BEST VALUE: Flex passes are available beginning Sept 1 for $70. Each pass allows the owner a total of 6 admissions to any show during the season (special events throughout the year are not included). Use all the passes on one show or spread them out throughout the season, your choice! Call (205) 621-2128 and leave a message or email

Continue reading “Announcing Our 2018-19 Season!”

Become a South City Patron Player!

SCT is inaugurating an Individual Donor Program, and we’d love to have you join us!  “Community Theatre occupies a peculiarly important position in the American theater picture…. It engages more people in theatrical activity, albeit part-time, than all the rest of the American theatre put together, including schools and colleges.” — Theatre in America: Appraisal and Challenge

Founded in 1999 by Alan and Francie Gardner, South City Theatre is Pelham’s own 501 (3) (c) non-profit community theatre dedicated to bringing quality theatre and theatre education to Pelham, and to our surrounding Shelby County communities. While challenging the minds of our audiences, strengthening the skills of the production members, and building upon natural talents and abilities, South City Theatre provides entertaining productions to our audiences and educational workshops for our students.

How can you be a part of our community?

Continue reading “Become a South City Patron Player!”