We’ve added an additional matinee performance for The Wild Women of Winedale by Jones Hope Wooten on Sunday, April 28, 2024, at 2:00 PM. Tickets are available at https://www.southcitytheatre.com/get-tickets/
The Best Little Theatre In Alabama
We’ve added an additional matinee performance for The Wild Women of Winedale by Jones Hope Wooten on Sunday, April 28, 2024, at 2:00 PM. Tickets are available at https://www.southcitytheatre.com/get-tickets/
Register your child for our spring theatre workshop NOW! South City Theatre’s youth program, ACTING UP! presents Alex in Wonderland, written by SCT’s own Daniel Strickland. Alex in Wonderland is a hilarious adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s classic novel, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Playing at South City Theatre in Pelham, May 9th-11th.
Students 8-18 are welcome to join our workshop, where they will learn essential theatre techniques and skills including improv, acting, stage presence, characterization and more – leading up to a fun performance for all ages to enjoy.
SCT’s Spring workshop is led by Ms. Jess Smyly, SCT kids workshop alumna and her team of college theatre students who have a passion for teaching the younger generation the art of PERFORMANCE! The workshop costs $300 ($275 for returning workshop students) and rehearsals begin on Monday, March 4th. Rehearsals will be every Monday 6-8pm and Saturday 10am-12pm leading up to 4 performances in May.
Performance dates: Thursday, May 9th at 7pm, Friday, May 10th at 7pm, Saturday, May 11th at 2pm and Saturday, May 11th at 7pm.
Age Range: 8-18
Skill Level: ALL WELCOME!
Cost: $300, $275 for returning students
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!!! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwCQ2NpS2z5n1rFUg_aVo0PHWHO0breETwyWsLNcNndGzM6w/viewform
For more information contact: jessica.smyly@southcitytheatre.com
South City will hold auditions for this hysterical southern comedy by the team who gave us the Golden Girls on Feb. 11 at 6 p.m. and Feb. 13 at 6 p.m. at the theatre: 2969 Pelham Parkway, Pelham, Al.
Directed by Rachael Pike Upton. The cast consists of 5 females, some of who play multiple roles. Characters are aged from late 40s thru 70s.
Fanny and Willa— the Wild sisters of Winedale, Virginia, — and their frustratingly quirky sister-in-law Johnnie Faye, are already accustomed to supporting one another through thick and thin, but they really need each other now. Fanny is experiencing a hilariously inappropriate reaction to her 60th birthday, while Willa is so stressed out from her nursing job that she resorts to vodka and speed-knitting to cope. Johnnie Faye, determined to put her year of fraught widowhood behind her, is desperately trying to find a man—preferably a man with a house, since hers is somewhere at the bottom of a Florida sinkhole. With equal doses of hilarity and heart, these extraordinary women come up with delightful and surprisingly unorthodox ways to clear the clutter from their lives, their homes and their relationships so they can move on. Together they prove it’s never too late to take another one of life’s paths for a grand new adventure! For more information, contact info@southcitytheatre.com
February 9, 10, 16, and 17, 2024 at 7:30 PM and February 11 at 2:00 PM at their Alpine Square theatre-2969 Pelham Parkway, Suite J., Pelham, AL 35124
Tickets are $18 in advance and $20 at the door. Advance Discounts are available for seniors, students, and groups. Visit https://www.southcitytheatre.com/get-tickets/
The scene is Hazlehurst, Mississippi, where the three Magrath sisters have gathered to await news of the family patriarch, their grandfather, who is living out his last hours in the local hospital. Lenny, the oldest sister, is unmarried at thirty and facing diminishing marital prospects; Meg, the middle sister, who quickly outgrew Hazlehurst, is back after an attempted singing career on the West Coast; while Babe, the youngest, is out on bail after having shot her husband in the stomach because she didn’t like his looks. Their troubles, grave and yet, somehow, hilarious, are highlighted by their priggish cousin, Chick, and by the awkward young lawyer who tries to keep Babe out of jail while helpless not to fall in love with her. Warm-hearted, irreverent, and imaginative, Crimes of the Heart teems with humanity. The question remains though, can you ever escape the past to seize the future?
This production is directed by Pat Yates and stars Lori Mercer, Jennifer Spiegelman, Megan Pecot, Autumn Brown, Carter Crane, and Brennan Martigoni. The production staff includes Jess Smyly, Mike Gerrells, Clark French, Rachael Upton, and Destiny Clark.
Don’t miss the opportunity to witness the magic of “Crimes of the Heart” as it takes center stage at South City Theatre from February 9, 2024, to February 17, 2024. Audiences are encouraged to secure their seats early for this heartwarming, irreverent, and zany theatrical masterpiece.
Announcing the cast and crew of our next production, Beth Henley’s Crimes of the Heart. Show dates are Feb. 9-10, and 16-17, 2024 at 7:30 PM, with one matinee on
Feb. 11, 2024, at 2:00 PM Tickets are on sales now at https://www.southcitytheatre.com/get-tickets/
Lori Mercer…Lenny Magrath
Jennifer Spiegelman…Meg Magrath
Megan Pecot…Babe Magrath Botrelle
Autumn Brown…Chick Boyle
Carter Crane… Barnette Loyd
Brennan Martigoni…Doc Porter
Production Staff
Pat Yates…Director
Jess Smyly…Assistant Director/Stage Manager
Mike Gerrells…Set Design
Clark French…Light Design
Set Crew…Rachael Upton & Destiny Clark
South City Theatre has a holiday gift for you: six performances of the rollicking comedy, “A Tuna Christmas” by Ed Horton, Jaston Williams, and Joe Sears. Directed by Sue Ellen Gerrells. Performances are set for Dec 8, 9, 15 and 16 @ 7:30 p.m. and matinees on Dec 10 and 17 at 2 p.m. South City Theatre is located at 2969 Pelham Parkway in Pelham, Al. Tickets in advance online are $18 general admission and $15 for seniors over 60 and students under 18. All tickets at the door are $20. Call the box office at 205 621-2128 for reservations or buy tickets online at https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?ticketing=soct
In Tuna, the third smallest town in Texas, living is far from easy – even in the 24 hours before Christmas. Bertha Bumiller decorates the tree by herself, again – her kids and philandering husband who knows where. Director Joe Bob Lipsey’s “A Christmas Carol” may never see opening night if Tuna Electricity turns off their lights for missed payments. R.R. Snavely sees aliens. The Smut Snatchers of the New Order are determined to find (and excise) the dirty words in Christmas carols. And Vera Carp will do just about anything to hold on to the trophy for the annual yard decorating contest, although the mysterious Christmas Phantom may have other ideas.
Spend the holidays in the fictional town of Tuna, Texas where laughter abounds when three performers: David Coker, Robin Rushing, and Alan Ashman play twenty-one different characters with dozens of costume changes. This play is a fun-filled, satirical look inside the workings of a small town at Christmas. This isn’t your typical holiday show, and may not be appropriate for some people. Happy Holidays!
Coming Soon – Dracula: A Comedy of Terrors
Show Dates and Times
Oct. 20, 21, and 27, 28, 2023 at 7:30 PM, with a Sunday matinee on Oct. 22, 2023, at 2:00 PM.
Ticket Prices
In Advance (Online)
General $18 Student $15 Senior $15 Groups of 10+ $12
At the Door
All tickets $20
Get ready, folks, because Drac is back, and he’s not just here to suck the fun out of your day! DRACULA, A Comedy of Terrors , written by Gordon Greenberg and Steve Rosen, is a fang-tastic Bram-new comedy that will have Alabamians howling with laughter. With more clever wordplay than you can shake a garlic bulb at and enough pop culture references to make even the undead chuckle, this 90-minute, quick-changing, laugh-out-loud reimagining of the gothic classic is perfect for audiences of all blood types.
Along the treacherous Borgo Pass In the mountains of Transylvania, a meek English real estate agent is on a harrowing journey to meet a new and mysterious client…who also just happens to be the most terrifying and ferocious monster the world has ever known. COUNT DRACULA!!
Bram Stoker’s epic horror story is hilariously reimagined with a dash of Mel Brooks and a pinch of Monty Python. This lightning fast, laugh-out-loud comedy is guaranteed to raise your pulse and emit blood curdling screams of laughter!
Director Daniel Strickland corrals the chaos with help from Stage Manager Earl Goodwin and Lights & Sound Operator Ry Head, while onstage Holt Thomas, Tom Robinson, Leigh Paschen, Raven Heath, and Peter Ditoro outrageously delight audiences.
So, sink your teeth into this hilarious production, and join us for a comedy that’s so electrifying, it’ll leave you in stitches – because Drac is about to put the “bat” back in “battitude!”
Call 205.621.2128 or visit https://www.southcitytheatre.com/get-tickets/ to reserve your seats today!
Coming soon from our friends at The Pelham BEAT
Exciting Announcement! Join us for captivating Mystery Dinner Theatres on October 13th & 14th at the Pelham Civic Center, hosted by Pelham BEAT. Immerse yourself in interactive experiences featuring catered dinner, a cash bar, and live acting.
October 13th – Midnight at the Masquerade
Step into a world of opulence and suspense at the Billionaires Club’s Annual Masquerade Ball. Amidst elegance, a shocking murder surfaces, unraveling secrets and hidden motives. Become a detective, gather clues, and unveil the enigmatic killer in an unforgettable night of intrigue.
BUY TICKETS: https://www.eventbrite.com/…/midnight-at-the-masquerade…
October 14th – Diamond Heist – Now You See It Now You Don’t
Experience elegance and mystery as the Stomach of the Ocean Diamond disappears from a grand museum unveiling. Join us in exquisite attire to untangle deception, recover the stolen gem, and solve the enigmatic carat caper.
BUY TICKETS: https://www.eventbrite.com/…/diamond-heist-now-you-see…
Tickets are available now! Don’t miss out on these thrilling nights of entertainment and intrigue. Get your tickets today!
*Please note that this event is NOT a South City Theatre production.
South City Theatre is pleased to announce auditions for Beth Henley’s Crimes of the Heart, directed by Pat Yates.
Audition Information
It’s 1974 in Hazelhurst, Mississippi, and the Magrath sisters are in the throes of family trauma on, of all days, elder-sister Lenny’s 30th birthday. Old Granddaddy, the family patriarch, is in the hospital failing fast. “Babe” is in jail for shooting her husband Zachary because she “didn’t like his looks,” and middle-sister Meg, who fled Hazelhurst after Hurricane Camille to pursue a Hollywood career, has been summoned home. Cousin Chick-the-Stick is stirring up more trouble while Babe’s lawyer, Barnette Lloyd, and Meg’s old flame, Doc Porter, are doing all they can to support the sisters. The Magrath home is filled
with dysfunction, grief, wit, and hilarity with heart as big as a “Jumbo Deluxe” birthday cake.
Bring a prepared monologue from the show or be ready to read from script. Director Pat Yates will be happy to provide sides or answer any questions about the show. Email her at Patyates2850@gmail.com for more information.
Show Dates/Times
Sink your teeth into the most fangtastic comedy of the year!
Presenting the cast of “Dracula: A Comedy of Terrors” – a hilarious and batty twist on the classic tale that’s sure to leave you howling with laughter!
Holt Thomas: Harker/Suitors/Bosun/Gravedigger
Tom Robinson : Dr. Westfeldt/Renfield/Captain
Tara Bennett: Lucy/Kitty/Driver
Leigh Paschen: Mina/VanHelsing
Peter Ditoro: Dracula
Earl Goodwin: Stage Manager/AD
Ry Head: Lights and Sound
Dan Strickland: Director
Show dates are Oct. 20, 21, , and 27,28, 2023 at 7:30 PM, with a Sunday matinee at Oct. 22, 2023, at 2:00 PM.
Reserve your seats at https://www.southcitytheatre.com/get-tickets/