South City Theatre presents Panache by Don Gordon


Thursday’s April 20 performance has been cancelled. The two performances on April 21 & 22 at 7:30 pm are available at the special rate of $10 each.  for tickets.

Seven letters.  Two people.  One vanity plate. Kathleen, a Scarsdale socialite, wants something Harry, a short-order cook from Brooklyn, already has. Harry has his reasons for refusing to exchange plates. Kathleen resolves to use her feminine charms and her checkbook to make Harry fork over the goods. But nothing is simple, and what begins as a ridiculous squabble over a seemingly unimportant matter turns into a poignant, funny, and bumpy ride toward the mending of two broken lives. A MUST SEE! 

Directed by Clay Boyce and starring Alan Ashman, David Gauntt, Patrice Headington, Keith Ngo, and Elane Barlow.“This sentence by Edmond Rostand, the author of “Cyrano de Bergerac” describes our show perfectly: panache: “A little frivolous perhaps, most certainly a little theatrical, panache is nothing but a grace which is so difficult to retain in the face of death, a grace which demands so much strength that, all the same, it is a grace … which I wish for all of us.” says director Clay Boyce.

Please note that this show contains adult themes and may not be suitable for some audiences.